Welcome to My virtual kitchen.

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You can help The Gothic Gourmet cook another day. All donations are greatly appreciated and used for their implied/intended purpose. Cooking! :-)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Help The Gothic Gourmet and donate for fresh products!

Dear readers, I have some wonderful items up for grabs for mere donations.

Remember when I told you that I was pressure canning items? Well, I have up for grabs (pictures enclosed) Spiced Blueberry Jam (made with fresh ground nutmeg and a few secret ingredients).

Strawberry preserves. (Can someone say YUM?) Perfect on hot rolls, toast, pancakes, and just about everything. PB&J sandwiches are also a favorite here at the Gothic Gourmet's household. Almost out of stock. Donate now to grab your own jar.

1/2 pint is up for a $7.00 donation. ` pint is up for a 9.00 donation. (I have dogs to feed) sigh. But seriously, it's good stuff and you will want more. :D

Also up for grabs are My most famous wonderful dilly hot pickles! I don't know about you, but when I was a kid, I simply loved to get a pickle out the big jar at the market that My Grandfather took Me to. In fact, I can never pass up a Kosher dill pickle, a pickle hot, mild, sour or whatever! I have to have one. ;)

I have quarts of Kosher Dills/HOT or Mild up for donations of 9.00 USD. Yes, sounds expensive but they are WORTH the money. FRESH local quality ingredients were used and rest assured that anything that you 'donate' for has been perfectly pressurized under USDA guidelines with a NEW pressure caner. I don't necessarily 'trust' water baths for jams etc. so I pressurize everything to be on the safe side. I wouldn't have you eat anything I wouldn't eat Myself.

Also up for donations are (only have a couple left) Ham And Bean Soup 1 Quart. Lovingly made all day long with smoked bacon, smoked ham, soaked beans, fresh broth, etc. etc. I can't let you know everything I put in there or it wouldn't be a secret anymore. :D

I have 3 Quarts left and they are up for a donation of 9.00 a Quart. Fine fine ingredients went into this batch including fresh herbs, fresh ground spices and special salts and fresh ground pepper. OUT OF STOCK.

Also up for donation is My fresh local pitted cherries. I pitted them Myself and yes, I do wear gloves and everything is perfectly sanitary and sterilized. (I have to add that because I always wonder where things come from and who makes them and how sterile are people?) I have OCD so I really go over and over what I do and make sure it's right.

One Quart of cherries are for an 8.00 donation. Think of the perfect pies you can make! I will even include My famous cherry pie recipe to go along with each Quart.

Another item up for donation is My peachy keen peaches in heavy syrup. I did of course, blanch and shock the peaches, peel them pit them, cut them and lovingly can them in Quart Ball jars. I purchased the peaches locally and made sure they were of excellent quality. I ate a bunch Myself. Yum! Perfect for peach pie, peach cobbler or simply to eat fresh out of the jar. A $9.00 donation is asked for these fine fine peaches. I will also of course, include My famous peach Pie recipe with each Quart and a recipe for the peach cobbler My hubby begs for. :D

Now for you hotties, I have up for donation My special super secret cha cha cha salsa. This salsa has just a hint of heat but certainly not enough to burn your tongue. I do however, have My super Cha Cha Cha green tomato and Tomatillo salsa. This batch packs some neat heat. It's nice and slowly builds up to a nice heat. I put fresh local habanero and Jalapeno, peppers into this batch along with some fresh hand ground spices, fresh shucked sweet corn, specialty salt, and excellent local made vinegar. (Not your typical cider vinegar either. This one is super secret and super delicious! This vinegar aged in barrels was also put into My 'milder' salsa. 1/2 pint is up for a donation of 6.00 one pint is up for a donation of 9.00 and I have ONE quart left of My zesty cha cha cha salsa (milder) up for a donation of 14.00.

These salsa's are wonderful with lime corn chips, regular corn chips, topped on eggs, on burritos, or any application that you want a little 'zing a ling'. Get your cha cha cha salsa while the getting is good. Almost gone.

Also up for grabs are My homemade bath salt scrubs. Ladies and men folk alike are sure to enjoy this luxury salt scrub. Made with fresh key limes, key lime zest, dead sea salt, and the finest of oils (imported from abroad) you are sure to have the finest of bath experiences. No parabens, no artificial ingredients,and NOT tested on animals. What more could you ask for? Oh, OK how about each jar is handmade (not in a large batch but each jar you get is made personally for YOU). :-)

Hand zested key limes, hand squeezed key lime juice and extracted imported fine oils and salts. Nothing is better and I stand behind this product. I make it when ordered. I use it Myself and I must confess, dying or not, I have beautiful skin.

8 OZ. for a donation of 15.00
16 OZ. for a donation of 20.00
20 OZ. for a donation of 28.00

Worth it's weight! Your skin will be silky smooth and oh so soft.

Thank you thank you thank you and enjoy! Each item is homemade under strict sterile guidelines and sure to please the picky.

Well dear readers, it is so very early in the morning and I need sleep. Until We meet again (in virtual ink that is), keep living, laughing, loving and of course cooking!

As always,
The Gothic Gourmet.

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