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Friday, July 16, 2010

Gifts that sing of home..

upcoming Holiday season I plan on giving the gift of 'good taste'.

Homemade salsa anyone? I thus far, have made two different salsa's that are sure to tickle the taste buds. One is a zesty salsa with just enough kick to make a slight 'zing' on the tongue but not too zesty to turn anyone off or away.
There is nothing like a homemade food gift. Lovingly prepared, beautifully packaged and kissed with good will.

The next is a green salsa that consist of (to name a few ingredients) green tomatoes, Asian sweet peppers, Serrano peppers (plenty of them too) Tomatillos, sweet onions, hot pepper flakes, fresh shucked sweet white corn, hot sauce, etc. etc. etc. to create a salsa that will linger but oh what a zinger! This IS a salsa to write home about not to mention, with all the green ingredients and hints of red, it sure is pretty to look at too. Sort of looks like Christmas.

Jam is always a welcome friend in any household. Who doesn't like jam? Fresh fruit in season boiled with sugar, spice and plenty of love are sure to make anyone with a heart smile. Pair jam with peanut butter (homemade if you have the time to make it) and what a lovely gift along side some homemade baked bread or yeast rolls. PB&J bring Us all back to our childhoods.

I was trying to think of a perfect gift basket and decided to include a variety of all the things I created and or canned this spring/summer season.

From homemade Kosher dill pickles to canned peaches and cherries, blueberry jam, strawberry jam, orange marmalade, salsa, corn, ham and bean soup, green olives, etc. etc. etc. a large gift basket should be sure to be a hit with any household.

So, now I have to start saving up and buying special ribbons, bows, baskets and fabrics to create perfect gift baskets for Christmas.

I have an idea to make bars in a jar which is basically dry ingredients along with a can of condensed milk and a set of instructions, a wooden spoon, perhaps a whisk or a bowl or both all tied up pretty with a bow. This way the person you gift it to can create their own 5 layer bars at home when it is most convenient for them.

Time fly's when you are having fun (and even when you aren't) so I better get a game plan ready and get to saving and get busy. I can't wait to see everyone's face when a large basket is gifted to them full of sweets, veggies and fruits. My pickles should be at full sour pucker flavor by the time the Holidays roll around..

I'll be sure to take photos of each basket I create and include tips and tricks so you can make your own baskets with your own flair and contents.

Until then, keep living, keep cooking and if you can stand the heat? Stay in the kitchen!

As always,
The Gothic Gourmet

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