Welcome to My virtual kitchen.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

A confession..

Hello dear readers (reader) nobody? I really need some help here. I have been looking around on the web at other folks blogs and see how well put together they are and then I look at Mine. Yikes!

As I type this, Iron Chef America blast in the background. Its battle banana tonight which is very interesting and fun on account that I enjoy bananas so very much. Potassium My friends which, unfortunately I lack a great deal of naturally. Back to My original point, My blog. Well, I have been searching on the internet looking for ways to beef it up and make it look nicer. Hey, I might not have too very much to say right now that interest anyone of importance but I could at the very least 'make the blog look interesting enough to read'. Any feedback and help in that area would be greatly appreciated.

I actually have so much to share with you all. Things that you would actually find very interesting but for now I have to keep mum about it for fear of rocking the proverbial 'danger boat'. You just wait though. You'll write your friends about it. (Okay, maybe not) but I'll write My friends about it when I make some that is. :-) Hey now, just kidding for those of you who really are My friends. (I can count them on one hand) but you know who you all are.

Again, any help in web layout/design would be great. My Father is a computer programmer but the last thing he wants to do when he gets off work is 'work some more'. Can you blame him? I can't wait to try some of My homemade pickles. I made mostly canned Kosher Dills with a bit of them mighty spicy the others with more of an old world traditional style. I added some lemon slices/wedges into a couple of the jars as well to see how that would work out. Maybe the extra acidity will add a more sour flavor or maybe I'll end up with a lemony pickle which would suit Me just fine. I may have made mention before that I adore lemons and limes above all other food items in the world. I love the sour, I love the acid, I love the smell. The zest is the best! Cleaning with citrus is nice too and I even decorate My windows with lined up lemons for a bright fun, cheery look.

Anyway, back Iron Chef America's battle banana. Bobby Flay, once again is being challenged. I note quite often that he seems to be the most challenged of Iron Chefs. What a difficult job that must be to hold. My husband nearly peed himself because he saw one of the challengers Chef's slice plantains with a mandolin and her fingers were really really close to that blade. I wince when I see things like that too. I mean, hey even the most seasoned of Chefs make culinary cuts so deep that it sends them to the hospital. I recall the episode of 'Chefography' which featured Iron Chef Bobby Flay in Japan. Oh My what a mess that was. Poor Mr. Flay just wasn't having a good go at it as he nearly cut his finger or or thumb (think it was his thumb) off with a food processing blade. To add insult to injury, he got electrocuted as there was water on the floor and next thing you know, ZAP! The final salt in the wound was when he stood up on the table (onto a cutting board I believe) and held his hands up high. A moment of triumph, or was it? For Me it was, I was impressed that he kept going even after all the injuries and lack of home support in another Country. He was really beaten down by Iron Chef Japan's Masaharu Morimoto who scolded him for standing on something used for cooking (a cutting board) as The Japanese see food utensils/etc. as sacred. Mr. Flay of course, was unaware of this as was I. I mean how would you know that unless you were told prior to coming to the Country?

In any event, Flay lost but was invited back for another battle in which he won! He moved the cutting board and stood back up on the counter victorious! To this day, Flay and Morimoto are very good friends and frequent each others restaurants. You really should catch that episode of 'Chefography' if you can as it was so interesting. In any event I'm off to go look for other ideas on the web to beef up My site (even if it is just Me reading it) any job you do should be a job well done (no, I take that back) an EXCELLENT and EXCEPTIONAL job.

If you see any interesting changes it is only because I found some help from one of you or from another random faceless stranger on the www.

Until then, keep living, laughing, loving, and most of all, cooking!
As always, The Gothic Gourmet.

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