Welcome to My virtual kitchen.

What you are cooking today? Step into My kitchen, swap a recipe or two with Me and most importantly, have fun!

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tarte Tatin!

As I type this, 'Secrets Of A Restaurant Chef' plays in the background. Ann is making braised chicken with mushrooms, bacon and pureed almonds, and chocolate-covered profiteroles. I have no idea what profiteroles are but I am soon to be informed.

Speaking of cooking, it isn't too hot today so I feel that I can at the very least use the top range and boil some Perogies and then pan fry them with butter. A dollop of sour cream (okay a LOT of sour cream as I am a sour cream junkie) and a few fresh cut chives and we are in business. I have these apples that My husband bought from one of My favorite local farmers (his name is Phil) but I digress. Back to the apples I have. I need to use them and I just got this most wonderful awesome Tarte Tatin pan. The neat factor is that it is a dish and a serving dish as well. Basically once you flip your Tatin you have a cover for it. I got it on sale at Williams-Sonoma. for a real steal. No, of course dear readers I did not 'steal it' per say, but I got it at an incredible price. They even put the quite hefty pan in a nice 'green safe' bag. I can reuse it every time I go back to Williams-Sonoma. :-)

I also got a super sized bottle of 'FINE FINE FINE' vanilla. I ask you this dear reader, can anyone have enough vanilla? I don't think so. I have vanilla beans, vanilla paste, different varieties of vanilla from different regions/Countries. Different strengths, etc. etc. etc. I LOVE vanilla. Whenever I make something that calls for Vanilla beans I get all excited because I like to scrape them out. Amazing how many seeds are in each pod eh? I then use the bean itself for vanilla sugar. Simply add your used beans to your jar of sugar and voila 'vanilla sugar'!

If I had the money I would have purchased a few more items that I truly need for My baking. The vanilla (actually might not seem like a big cost to most people) but for Me? It was expensive and I had to save up for it. I actually went there for that and that alone and ended up getting the Tarte Tatin pan because it was like only a few dollars. Still, even those few dollars could have been spent on something else but it was fun to purchase and I feel normal when I get to go shopping even if it's only for something small.

Funny how when you become poor/broke you appreciate everything. You simply don't think about things like..oh say 'I am going to go buy a hot dog and some french fries' and not bat an eyelash. Now? Now I can't simply go 'buy a hot dog and fries' without seriously thinking about it and how much I really 'want it'. There is a difference between 'wants' and 'needs'.

You all know who you are if you are in My position. Anyway, back to the topic at hand. (Wait, I have to take the water out of the stand up air conditioner I have here in My apartment as our windows won't allow Us to put in a window unit. Sigh. I have the empty out the water quite often) and hobbling over to the restroom isn't much fun either. I know, quit whining Gothic Gourmet! OK, I will.

Alright, that is done and I'm back. I'm sure you were all just waiting on bated breath to hear from Me again. Too see My incredible virtual ink right? I'll suppress My laughter for now and simply smirk.

I'm doing it again, going off the beaten path and rambling about things that I did not intend to talk about while totally forgetting about the real topic. Sigh. I do that a lot don't I? Forgive Me please. Please?

Do you have any neat Tatin recipe's? Please share them if you do! :-)
I'll let you know how this Tarte Tatin ceramic piece works out. It looks lovely. It is red which is My main color in the kitchen (that and stainless steel). Anyway, apple Tatin tomorrow or tonight depending on how I feel and I hope you enjoy the photos. Until I virtual ink again in to this big black hole, keep living, loving laughing and most of all cooking while doing all of those things. :-)

As always,
The Gothic Gourmet.

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