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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A review on frozen one dollar meals.

Hello dear readers whoever you may be (Fig Newtons of My imagination?)
I am happy to report a couple of wonderful finds that were easy on the pocketbook at wonderful on the pallet. I found Green Giant 'Steamers' in the frozen food section which were on sale for 1.00 a piece for all varieties. There weren't many broccoli rice and cheese bags left but they did have the smaller 10 oz. boxes on sale for a dollar as well.

What they are: Fresh vegetables with sauce, no sauce, etc. that you pop right into your microwave with no fuss. Just sit the bag inside the microwave and walk away. In 5 minutes or less (give or take) you have a wonderful side dish or a wonderful meal if you are watching your weight or want a lighter dish. The bags are 12.oz sized servings each and come in many delicious varieties. My favorite so far is broccoli cheese and rice. Yummy and for only a dollar a pop even better. If you are a bachelor or single gal and don't want to lug out the pots and pans to heat up broccoli cuts or golden corn, this is right up your alley. Give them a try. I read somewhere online that you can get dollar coupons for these which...if you find them on sale for a dollar means you got a free meal. Who says there isn't anything such as a free lunch? I need to go find those coupons!

Next on My review list is Betty Crocker's warm delights. These were also on sale for, you guessed it, 1.00 each. I bought several varieties. So far I have tried molten chocolate cake. These are so fun and simple and remind Me of being a child and mixing My cake mix up for My easy bake oven which was powered by a light bulb. All you do is add water to the microwave bowl and squirt on the chocolate/caramel or whatever flavor you got of icing/fudge on top and microwave for a minute or so. Desert is done! Again, this is nice if you are in a hurry and cannot justify baking a whole cake for your lonesome. Cleanup is a flash (just throw away the bowl).

If you can find coupons for these little wonders which are a perfect single serving size, stock up on them as you may end up getting your desert for free too (or for around 20 cents or so depending on the coupon. Double coupons? It's free.

Speaking of those... I think I'll go make one now as I am almost finished with My broccoli rice and cheese steamer.

Bon Apatite!

As always,

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