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Thursday, March 11, 2010

A real Chef can make mountains out of molehills

OK, so, I still am without an oven. I know, I know...but money is tight and I also had to replace the garbage disposal. I also had to buy groceries which...was a bit expensive. Recently, My husband and I went to a little hole in the wall which we like because the food is rather inexpensive and it is always down dirty good.

Are you reading this? IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE. (Pink Floyd).

Anyways, this little hole in the wall joint had these awesome potato skins which really weren't skins at all. They were whole potato halves with what I feel was mozzarella. (Browned slightly on top) with bacon and just that. NO chives, no onions which I loved. Now, this sounds simple and I suppose it is but it was so great. Sour cream accompanied this wonderful simple plate and I couldn't get enough of them.

I wanted to make these at home but what to do without an oven? Mind you, I do have a stove top range. (At least that part hasn't gone to pot).

So, what I did was par-boil the potatoes in a large stock pot.

I let those cool, then I cut them in half and placed them in some hot peanut oil. I let those go for awhile and kept flipping them over with tongs to make sure they weren't burning. Next, I placed those on a plate with paper towels to drain the oil then I put Mozzarella cheese and fresh grated sharp Cheddar and fresh grated Parmesan cheese on top of the halved potatoes and then placed those in the microwave oven. I melted the cheese then took My blow torch and browned the tops as if I was making Crème brûlée. The result was wonderful. The skins (potatoes) were crispy. The cheese was browned and divine. My husband nearly had a heart attack because these were so so good.

So, when you have lemons? Make lemonade! (I am going to make lemonade today with the fresh lemons I have). Next? I am going to make new body salt scrubs with the lime zest and juice that I have which I will add to My plain bath salt along with grape seed oil. Yummy and nice! I should sell this crap.

In closing, remember that a real Chef can create goodness out of nothing...out of anything at hand. Improvise!

Speaking of brûlée's I am going to make some of those tonight. I have fresh cream in the icebox along with fresh vanilla beans. Now, I am actually going back and forth on what I want to make..I can make caramels with fleur de sel salt. YUM YUM! I'll let you know what I decided on...

Till then, keep creating, keep cooking and keep LIVING!

As always,

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