Welcome to My virtual kitchen.

What you are cooking today? Step into My kitchen, swap a recipe or two with Me and most importantly, have fun!

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

A comment? Are you serious?

Wow, I must seem like a real geek but I am so thankful to know that SOMEONE, SOMEBODY is reading My entries. Now please understand, I hardly see My blog (this blog) as a quid pro quo for anything of great importance. Why do I underestimate Myself? No, I am not doing that. I am in fact, being a realist.

Oh crispy crackers! There I go again, off the beaten path. Back to the topic at hand..

I have two comments! To those of you who are veteran blogger's with really cool blogs? I don't know if you can go back way back when to when you got YOUR first comment however, how thrilling it was for Me and that is the unvarnished truth.

Maybe I am easily amused? Well, in truth I am (Daddy always said that) but that isn't what this is about. I am actually thrilled that someone out 'there' saw Me. Heard Me. When I am gone...someone will have saw what I had to say no matter how trivial it may have been. Still, I want help those reading. If you have a question for The Gothic Gourmet on canning, cooking, etc. ??? Just ask. I would love to comment back. I read ALL My comments. All two of them so far.


As it were, I am trying to decide what to make tonight for dinner.... I have narrowed it down to Cheddar cheese souffle or.. homemade mac and cheese. I am chickened out or I would make another chicken casserole. I looked in the freezer and no ground beef or steak or...a homemade Beef Stroganoff would be in order. I have a pasta roller and could make the egg noodles Myself. May be soothing even though I have egg noodles in a bag in the pantry.

There is something to be said about making your own pasta. Anyway, no beef but I do have fresh crispy cooked bacon and I do have vinegar, broth, onions and potatoes so....German potato salad could end up being a side. Hubby loves it. Don't you? I have a wonderful recipe (handed down) if you want it...comment! Your family will crown you Queen or King of your castle and you will feel as if you are in Berlin during Oktoberfest!

(You have to ask however). This way, I know someone else read My perhaps pretty trivial blog. If I do provide this recipe? I expect comments from the peanut gallery on the end result.

I also have a great German Pretzel recipe and homemade spicy German Mustard that I...may be... willing to share if...you twist My arm behind My back and all that jazz. ;)

I make these pretzels ever so often and the hubby goes ga ga. Everyone goes ga ga. You'll love them and the mustard too or My name isn't... (yada yada yada).

In any event, I must go as I seem to have some egg whites to beat with..oh a little cream of tarter or maybe some of My arrow root starch. (Never forget the power of the arrow root starch). More on that later. Don't even get Me started on the freaking leaking peaking grain of paradise that Alton Brown got Me to searching for) which to the credit of Mr. Alton Brown, I found a wonderful place full of interesting spices, salts and vinegars and to that? I cannot ever repay My thankfulness. I will fill you foodies in (who live in the greater Indianapolis area) on this marvel that is called?... You have to ask and a link will be provided. Aren't I selfish? No, just want to make sure someone read this.

I am a Scientist first and a foodie second (I think) I keep getting those two confused. So... We will discuss later the arrow root starch and of course, creme of Tartar. I ALSO have a wonderful Lemon M. Pie recipe to share with you...if...well, of course you twist My arm behind My back for it.

How exciting! Two comments. I know, so trivial it seems, but when you are alone and holed up at home with only your wits, your food and your computer at hand? It means a great deal to know that people are at the very least, looking.

So, what to do? What do make. Aha! Life is easier when you know the answers to your own questions isn't it?
Thank you!

Until We meet again via virtual ink in this black hole of cyberspace? Keep laughing, loving and above all else? Living!

As always,
The Gothic Gourmet.


  1. I, too, love comments :) I try to leave them as often as possible. Its uber exciting to know that people out there are reading our words, and maybe enjoying our dishes. Kinda cool :)

    I'd love the lemon m. pie recipe!!

    From another foodie/science lover I can't wait to read about arrow root. I don't know much about it and haven't ever used it. All I know is that graham Kerr used to use it often, but not with certain veggies, cause it cause them to be slimy. I can't remember which veggies of course :)

    And i'd love the german pretzle and mustard recipes. Pretzles I've made before but I've been wanting to make them again and I'm looking for a new recipe. Mustard has been on my 'to make' list for far too long. I'd love both of these recipes.

    And I promise I'll comment :)
    If you'd like please feel free to browse my blog, too! :) Happy Blogging!

  2. To quote a famous cheesy movie line "As you wish".

    What film was this line taken from? 'The Princess Bride' of course! ;)

    Tomorrow if I am well enough comes the recipes heck, I may even take some photos and make them Myself so you have a step by step pictorial. If not, and if you don't hear from Me, it of course is not because The Gothic Gourmet doesn't care. It is because The Gothic Gourmet is not feeling up to sorts. I am hopeful though that all will be well here. Cross your fingers, your T's and dot your I's (not your eyes!) ouch!. ;)

    I was going to make that ding dang cheese souffle today and fell fast asleep. Sleep however isn't easy to come by here in these parts and is always a welcome stranger. Until We speak again, keep laughing, living, loving EXPERIMENTING (but for Pete's sakes don't anyone blow up their house to kingdom come) and most of all? LIVING!

    As always,
    The Gothic Gourmet.

    PS: I will peruse your blog. Can't wait!


The Gothic Gourmet wants to hear from YOU. Please leave Me a message, a recipe, or a shiny piece of tin foil or something to keep Me occupied.