The Julie/Julia Project
What can I say? I saw the movie and fell in love...only because I too have been a fan of Julia Child for years. Just yesterday I watched her show (hosted by Polaroid) on making 'French bread'. I had to laugh in spite of Myself because she had so many flub ups and they were all captured on film. Priceless! So funny too that 'Polaroid' was helping to host the show. STRIKE A POSE!
If you are familiar with the French bread making episode, you will recall that Julia had a paint scraper in which she was kneading her dough with. One lump of dough was totally overworked, the other was perfect. As it were, she took her paint scraper and was kneading her dough when she all of the sudden uhhh, I don't know what she did but the paint scraper went flying across her kitchen and the look on her face was PRICELESS! She laughed and said basically that 'this is not what you do'.
Anyway, I thought wow, I am a day late and a dollar short...sure I have no project such as 'Julie' had. No time line (aside that I don't know how much time I have left) but one thing I noted in the film about Julia Child was that... I watched her making hats at the like and the look on her face was something I saw in My own mirror. Discontent. Well, I don't even know if I can truly say that. I am looking for the words but coming up short.
Lets see. I worked for Dior. I truly did enjoy that job and I was wonderful at it but all though I did exceptionally well and won many awards and kudos..I had that same look that Julia (well not the real Julia) had on her face in the film.
Next I became a Flight Attendant and I truly can't complain too much about that job because even with it's horrible time lines/ lack of sleep, jet lag, etc. etc. etc. (Not knowing what nuts you were going to end up on an aircraft with for 4 or more days TRAPPED LIKE A RAT IN A was still groovy cool most times. Sure the flight bags were heavy to tote around, the people were arrogant and mean in First Class many times but still there were great people, great times and great places that I had the grand opportunity to visit. I have been EVERYWHERE on this planet (well almost) and for that I am thankful. I had to give up a lot for it, but in the end I still smile when I think about the places I have ventured into.
Heck, I could write a whole blog about the places I have been, people I have met, people on the planes and crazy things that have happened in the air. Mechanical failures, near misses. Near death.
FUN! (Not really) but interesting at least.
I finally (like Julia) found My 'thang' in cooking. I truly did find the joy of cooking. It is still a joy each and every day that I am spared a second longer on this planet. A true joy indeed.
I have asked My husband to buy Me 'The Joy Of Cooking' cookbook as I must readily admit, I have not read to this very day.
I hope I have enough time left to get through it. Anyway, I basically wanted to check in with this big black hole of nothing..this great void.. this meaningless virtual ink..that nobody is reading. It's OK though because, this blog helps Me even if it isn't doing what I initially intended it to. (Help others). Maybe..just maybe someone will happen upon it and like it. Maybe..just maybe I will find something worth a damn to talk about that interest other people. I am My own biggest fan and that is okay too I suppose but still, We all want to leave some sort of mark before We kick the bucket don't We? I do.
In any event, I'll hopefully see you all soon (whoever you are or whoever you aren't.) Perhaps a fig newton of My imagination. However, imagination is important in our survival don't you think? Without it, dreams cannot be created much less achieved.
I miss My dad. I wish We were still close and yes, I know this has nothing to do with cooking or this silly old blog. If anyone has any ideas on how to get closer to him again I am at least open to advice.
Until then, keep living, laughing and loving, and most importantly creating and cooking!
As always,
The Gothic Gourmet.
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